Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Susan Boyle

What is all the fuss about Susan Boyle? She has a beautiful voice and it's finally being recognized and I am happy for her. But...why is the media so surprised by this? They act as if someone who is older and not as skinny as a twig is some freak miracle of nature because she can carry a tune. So she doesn't look a supermodel or popstar - who the hell does?

I think it's insulting that they play clips of her over and over again like she is the ninth wonder of the world because she can sing. Can't older, overweight, average looking people have talent? Don't even get me started on the fact that they are trying to make her over and then play the guessing game of what she did or did not have done.

Give the woman accolaids and credit for her voice and leave it at that. She has talent and should be able to share that with the world without being judged, ridiculed or made over. Jez! I know our society grows more shallow each year but there should limits. Leave this poor woman alone!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Lies Lies Lies...yeah...

Is a half truth a lie? If you tell someone their haircut looks good when it really does not, is that considered a lie? Well I am here to say that a lie- is a lie - is a lie!.

If you tell someone a half truth by omitting a very pertinent part of a story (or situation – whatever the case may be) and purposefully leave out an important detail that you really do not want that person to know or if you are trying to cover up - LIE!

If you give Sally a compliment on our new outfit because she is practically begging for it and you don’t really think it’s cute – LIE!

If your boss tells you he appreciates all your time and effort on that project and you say it didn’t take that long at all (but it took you half the day) – LIE!

If you back out on a commitment or date and don’t really say anything but just don’t show – LIE!

You say you want to eat at Whataburger, but you really don’t - LIE!

You don’t want to go out with a group of people but instead of just being honest and saying that you just make up some lame excuse or don’t respond at all – LIE!

Grow a pair people! Say what you mean and mean what you say. Don’t be mean to people because mean people suck. But be honest with people and don’t feed people BS.

I see you Pinocchio!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Why is mediocre such a derogatory word? Yes, the definition is: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ordinary, so-so but since when did it become a crime to not be number one?!

Don’t get me wrong, I usually strive for my best in all things (with many variables of course i.e. time allotted, interest, understanding, etc). But...there is no shame if you are mediocre at something. I was having a conversation with a friend (hey dave) and we talking about poetry. We both used the word mediocre to describe some of our poems. Why is that a bad thing? There are people that would love to write an “ordinary” poem. Some people are lucky to strain two or three coherent thoughts together little lone write them down and form them into some sort of poetry.

I would love to be a mediocre ballroom dancer (hey – I know my limits). Freestyle dancing is more my thing and I have to say that I am better than average at that. I can sing (though I haven’t in a long time) and music makes me very happy. There is no shame in the fact that maybe I’m not the best singer or dancer.

I just hate when words seem to get turned around into “dirty words”. Oh, that soufflĂ© was mediocre at best. Let’s see you make a soufflĂ© from scratch and see how darn good it tastes.

We all can’t be number one at everything. That is not to say that we should not do our best our teach children to reach for the stars. But – let’s remember that venturing out and trying new things is what adds adventure to our otherwise dull little lives. We may or may not be really good at certain things but at least we will have tried. Viva mediocrity!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

6th Floor Please

Why doesn’t common sense prevail when it comes to elevator etiquette? Seriously! I cannot exit the elevator until you get out of MY way. Don’t try and enter the elevator and then look at me like I’m in your way when I’m trying to leave the elevator. And then sometimes you’ll even catch yourself apologizing because you felt like you were in the way. No! Stand back 20 feet people and let everyone off the elevator so you can get in. Trust me, this will be quicker than doing some awkward dance with someone trying to hurry off while you are running them over!

And if the elevator is not full please do not stand right next to me. What ever happened to personal space? Who gave you permission to enter my bubble? Common sense would tell you that this is only permissible if the elevator is full. Unless you are Antonio Banderas…then you can invade my personal space :)

While I’m ranting, please don’t judge people that are taking the elevator one floor up. You do not know what their situation is. Maybe they have asthma, maybe they have a bad leg or maybe they just enjoy making you have an extra stop on the way to wherever the hell it is that you are going. It’s a free country and they can ride the damn elevator up one floor if they want to!

And last but not least, please do not expect me run if you hold the elevator door for me if I am 100 feet down the corridor. I didn’t ask you to hold the elevator so please don’t sigh or shoot me a look because I didn’t bolt out of my sandals to break a sweat and catch the precious elevator! Be sure to say hi to me (from a distance hopefully) the next time you see me coming out of an elevator…

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


If I ruled the world, I would create a third political party and call it "Other". This would be for all the people in America who fall between the left and the right and cannot stand labels! I am not a label; I am an individual who wants the government out of my life and out of my pockets!

If I designed cars and seats (airplanes, movies, etc), I would design them for tall people. Short people can invite a friend over to share all the extra room.

If a company is truly struggling to survive...shouldn't they look at laying off some of the upper management that have outrageous salaries versus the worker bees keeping the "hive" alive and living on peanuts?

If there were not dogs, who would be man's best friend?

If everyone played by the rules does that mean that we would all stop playing games?

If everyone reached out to help those less fortunate than themselves, we would not need government programs. What ever happened to helping thy neighbor?

Scary Follow Up To Life Between The Blahs

Okay, so I wrote my previous "Life Between the Blahs" blog yesterday and posted it today. Strangely enough, I came across this saying from Mother Teresa today:

Be faithful in small things because it is in these that your strength lies

Today I am thankful for rediscovering that I have a voice.

Life Between The Blahs

Is life what happens between the blah blah blahs? I'm not a big believer in New Year's resolutions but this year I have made a resolution to enjoy the little things in life. I was reminded of how short & precious our time on earth is when my dad passed away over a year ago.

We are certainly not guaranteed tomorrow. So enjoy that great new Britney Spears song on the radio (that you'll never admit to listening to publicly); savor that juicy cheeseburger; inhale that fresh air after a rainstorm; tell your family how much you are love them and your friends how much you appreciate them.

When you have a case of the blahs or are tempted to skip over the details in a story you are telling with "blah blah blah"- don't - stop! Stop and think of all the little things that you enjoy in life or a funny detail that will take thirty extra seconds to share.

This has definitely been a challenging resolution for me this year (up there with losing weight) but I think it is well worth pursuing. It's so easy to get caught up in the long term goals and keeping up with the Jones' that we lose sight of what is important in life. And it is important that we enjoy the little things in life and life itself. It only took me close to 40 years to learn that life is not just about the destination but it is about truly enjoying the blahs and the journey.